For the primary teacher who wants to add more play to their day with no idea how (‘cuz you know- standards, admin expectations, and regulations)
As a primary teacher, you’re juggling countless demands, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.
Is This You? 
- I feel like I spend more time managing behaviors than teaching.
- Behavior charts and rewards systems aren’t working the way I hoped.
- My classroom feels cluttered and overstimulating—for both me and my students.
- I feel disconnected from my students’ families and want to build stronger partnerships.
- I want to include cultural or community elements in my classroom but don’t know where to start
- I need ideas for engaging students without adding to my stress or workload.
- I don’t have time to spend hours prepping lessons or searching for ideas online.
- My budget is tight, and I need affordable solutions for classroom transformations.
- I want to incorporate play and natural elements, but I’m worried about meeting standards
- I need support aligning play-based activities with measurable outcomes.
If you said YES to even one of these challenges you're in the right place!
The Natural Classroom Specialist Collection™ is Your Solution:
Create a calm, organized classroom environment.
Implement practical strategies to reduce challenging behaviors.
Involve your local community and build stronger connections with families.
Save time with ready-to-use resources that align play-based learning with curriculum standards.
Reignite your passion for teaching by creating a space where both you and your students can thrive.

Have you ever wondered how to create Natural Environments, plan for Child-Led Learning in a Standards-Based Program?
You are interested in moving your academic program toward a more child-centered, natural approach.
You are looking for information on how to create a program from the ground up.
You need to cover standards but aren’t sure how to do it without traditional paper and pencil activities.
You know your students would benefit from extra time outside, but you have too much “learning” to cover first.
You AND your students are struggling! They aren’t interested in cleaning up, putting in their best effort, or they are simply spinning out of control with the number of transitions in a regular day.

You know you need to make a change. The only problem is...
- Admin Expectations
- Lack of Budget
- Not Knowing Where to Start
- Developmentally Inappropriate Expectations
- Your Own Stress Levels, Fatigue and Burnout
- Constant change and daily disruptions
- Lack of Caregiver Involvement
- Not wanting to rock the boat
- This is the way it’s always been done
- Licensing regulations
- Lack of colleague support in your school community
- Schedules that have to fit within the time crunch of a school community
You wish you could completely overhaul the classroom right now, today, because you know a Pinterest Perfect Classroom is the answer to all of your problems!
Spoiler alert: Pinterest isn't the answer, and perfect is keeping you stuck!
Let Me Guess...
You’re struggling to get your students actively engaged in the classroom activities.
When you set up your learning environment do YOU:
- Gravitate toward all the cute products in the dollar section of Target.
- Buy all the things: chalkboards, baskets, desk decor, inspirational posters, and signs, pom-pom, and tassel wall swags.
- Color coordinate the storage, the groups, and the seating areas.
- Have the latest doorbells and noise meters.
- BUT still struggle to keep the children focused, on task, and interested in daily learning.
- What if I told you it didn’t have to be this way? In fact, you will spend less money, your students will begin self-regulating, you’ll reduce teacher stress, you’ll take back your weekends and family time, all while exceeding your specific program standards. You’ll have the students’ attention, AND you’ll be calming the classroom chaos.

That's exactly why I created the Natural Classroom Specialist Collection™

…to help you create your own classroom sanctuary without scouring the internet during your weekend or family time trying to find all the answers. The 4 part series can be utilized together or as stand alone programs to help you with your specific issues. Think of it as a mix and match offering.

Before becoming a Natural Classroom Specialist™
- No time for 'fun' projects, too much to cover
- Chaotic behaviors from the time students enter the space
- Behavior Charts on the walls
- Students are not interested in activties, or they spend more time creating a mess they won't clean up
After applying the lessons inside the Collection
- The environment is part of the learning process
- Exceeding standards and objectives through increased productivity
- Creating child-led activities for student investment
- More time, less stress, LOVING a program created for the students

When you apply the lessons inside the Natural Classroom Specialist Collection™, you'll lessen your own stress, overcome the overwhelm, and watch your students exceed standards!
- Less stress so that you can stop worrying about your classroom after hours and have a life again! One that doesn't consume you looking for the one thing that everyone will be interested in!
- Classroom tested printable materials so that you do 'nt have to spend hours searching Pinterest for developmentally appropriate lessons and activties.
- Peaceful learning environments that support ALL students so that you can remove the behavior charts and feel good about the community you are developing.
Learn With the Teach The TK Way Signature LEAF Method™ And Become a Natural Classroom Specialist™
4 Simple Steps to a Natural Classroom Environment
Take a deep dive into the how and why of successful calm learning spaces
Acquire knowledge about core content, setting you on the path to an intentional learning space
Explore the strengths of successful learning spaces
Inspiration, mood, and vision boards
Unpack personalized, local standards
Long term/short term goals and plans
Transformation Timeline
Inform and educate shareholders
Create hands-on activities
Develop new role as Natural Classroom Specialist
Blossom in a community of like-minded teachers
Thrive in your new learning space

I'm Your Teacher Next Door, Classroom Mentor & Nature Bestie!
- A FB Community with Q+A opportunities where you can show up ask me your questions every single week.
- Video Lessons to return to time and again to review your curriculum plans, developmentally appropriate practices and lessons to support child led environments.
- Workbooks, action steps, tutorials, printable resources + lesson plans so you always know exactly how to implement what you’re learning.
Introducing The Natural Classroom Specialist Collection™ Includes Everything Below + More...
Choose The Lessons You Want to Watch Inside The Complete Collection - Watch at Your Own Pace, and Mix and Match Your Learning Plan

- Visual overwhelm to teacher and student stress is covered with actionable strategies to overcome these issues
- An entire module devoted to community inclusion, the how and why of bringing your local community into your learning space
- Practical classroom management strategies to implement right now, suitable for all grade levels
- An inspirational workbook makes creating an intentional learning environment a quick and easy process

- Get The Students outside in MEANINGFUL ways
- Get The Students outside in MEANINGFUL ways
- Offer CHILD CENTERED activities
- 3 Hour Master Class with Actionable Steps
- Downloadable Checklists, Parent Letters, and Outdoor Activity Ideas

- Learn how play (hands-on activities) can cover every standard
- 60 Minute Lesson
- Printable Workbook
- Create a hands on environment to calm student behaviors

- LEAF Method (Teach The TK Way™ Signature Method for Learning) the COMPLETE Natural Classroom Specialist™ Collection
- Learn all about child led spaces, choose your inspiration
- Explore real classrooms and apply your specific standards
- Act by creating hands on activities and design an intentional space
- Flourish in your new environment and role as a Natural Classroom Specialist
- Includes the Intentional Environments Course, The Outdoor Learning Master Class, The Play With Purpose Audio and so much more...
- 15+ classroom tested printable resources
- Evergreen Access & Closed Captions on every video
Core Course Modules + Bonus Videos (all with closed captions), 15+ Classroom Tested resources, and so much more...
The Complete Natural Classroom Specialist Collection™: Intentional Learning Spaces + Outdoor Learning Masterclass + Play with Purpose and so much more...
Grab the complete Natural Classroom Specialist™ Collection now and get Evergreen Access to the ENTIRE collection today!

Here's how it works:
Natural Classroom Specialist™ Collection
Complete Collection Evergreen Access-
Core Content
Intentional Learning Environments
Play With Purpose
Outdoor Classrooms
Explorer Series
Natural Classroom Starter Pack
15+ Printable Standards Aligned Resources
Planning Template Pack w/Report Cards

1. Choose your payment
You’ll be redirected to the secure checkout page. You can pay via your credit card or Apple Pay.

2. Check your email
After you have completed your checkout and payment you will be sent log-in directions through the Searchie platform. Bookmark and save the student portal for easy access.

3. Log in and get started
Watch the lessons and take action. You can move at your own pace (you’re never behind) you’ll also get a a few emails from me so you always know what to do next! Join the private FB group to ask questions. The community is here to support you on your journey!
I Love The Concept BUT I Still Have Questions...
The program is designed to walk you step by step through the transformation that helped saved my sanity. You can join each individual course as necessary, or the complete collection, and take your time to implement the strategies. You will have evergreen access for the lifetime of the course for the information you purchase.
Nothing, other than a way to watch the lessons, we are going to work through the learning space while repurposing, and restructuring what you already have.
You will be given actionable resources, tools, and specific steps toward creating your very own natural classroom sanctuary. I will walk you through the tools and resources and give you designated time to put your plan into action.
Yes! The Natural Classroom Specialist program is designed specifically for:
- elementary educators in traditional programs (PreK-Gr. 3)
- early educators in stand-alone programs
- home daycares educators
- homeschool parents
- online educators who want to create a naturally inspired virtual classroom space.
It really works on a global level. In fact, some of my students have been recognized by their administration and colleagues as thought leaders within their programs when they have applied my principles in design.
When you take the Natural Classroom Specialist Program and apply it to your learning space it’s like icing on the salted caramel cake. Just be prepared to get recognized by your administration for a job well done.
NO! In fact, The Natural Classroom Specialist program works no matter what type of learning space you desire, because it’s about transforming YOU and YOUR learning space.
Like I said above, the Natural Classroom Specialist program works for you no matter what level you’re at because it’s about transforming your space from the ground up.
Do you think you will grow and evolve faster-having access to the Natural Classroom Specialist program or trying to do all the research yourself?
I give you concrete examples of how to achieve the desired results on little to no budget. Plus specific verbiage for asking for help. And don’t forget monthly print and go resources.
First of all, this isn’t a question. BUT, what’s more important… playing into your fear or making an impact on the students you teach?
I will show you how to include creepy crawlies and plants without overwhelming you or causing more anxiety. Promise!
Everything in your life that seems easy now was once something that scared you. What benefit do you get from being scared?
What benefit would you get from being courageous and doing it even if you think you lack the skills to grow plants or have a fear of insects?
Well… you shouldn’t be spending all your waking hours in any classroom (unless that’s what you really want to do).
Teacher burnout is real and this program is all about utilizing the learning space to combat burnout, stress levels, and challenging student behaviors.
That is why I developed a simple 4 part system that will help you manage your school/home time. It’s all about having a mentor, a plan and direction, actionable steps, and time for reflection to move you forward in the transformation of your learning space.
The process remains the same for every teacher, but the depth behind it will depend on where you are in your journey.
I have found that in order to become a true Natural Classroom Specialist we need to rethink our current philosophy and incorporate the research-based practice into our everyday plans.
Creating a cohesive classroom environment, quite literally from the ground up, will have long-lasting effects on every student and educator that enters the space.
All of the curriculum resources you will receive through the program are research-based and standards-aligned.
You will be able to print and go, just like with your canned curriculum.
The biggest difference is you will be designing a DEVELOPMENTALLY APPROPRIATE environment that supports learning, encourages play, adds beauty and nature into everyday teaching methods, and manages stress and behavior challenges utilizing the learning space.
You will also be able to supplement your current program with standards-aligned ideas and resources, making your program even more well-rounded and robust.
What other curriculum plan supports you and helps you develop lifelong skills?
Have a question I didn’t answer here? Email me at tina@teachthetkway.com

The NCS collection is for you if...
- You are an elementary educator in a traditional program (PreK-Gr. 3)
- You are an early educator in a stand-alone program
- You are a home day care educator or homeschool parent
- You are an online educator who wants to create a naturally inspired virtual classroom space
This is not for you if...
- You aren't suffering from teacher burnout and stress, you don't feel the effects of overwhelm
- You don't believe the benefits of nature are real
- You aren't willing to make small changes for the benefit of yourself and your students
Wondering how I’m qualified to teach on this topic?
Hi friend, my name is Tina, and I’m a nature-loving, self-proclaimed creepy crawlie lover, and early education mentor known for a love of natural classroom environments and intentional learning spaces. I have been a Natural Classroom Specialist™ for over 18 years and redesigned a multitude of learning environments from the ground up.
I have been in your shoes. My hair falling out from stress, crying every afternoon because of my own perceived failures. Feeling like a first-year teacher again because my teacher bag of tips and tricks wasn’t working. Spending hours every day cleaning up the destruction and chaos. Researching every weekend to find a better way.
In the last 18 years, I have done the work, researched all the theology, applied the pedagogy, and found a system that works, time, and time again. Now I’m sharing it with you. I don’t want it to take you 18 years, I want you to apply strategies this week, and get results NOW.
I want to help you implement small actionable components to become stepping stones to a larger plan for growth.
And the best part is that I am going to help you get it done in a TRADITIONAL program- there isn’t anyone else out there who understands the demands of a TK-8 school based on academic objectives. Aaaand can show you how to successfully navigate admin requirements, shared space schedules, and parent expectations to incorporate PLAY- all day!

You can do this even if...
You have no budget for extras or redoing an entire classroom space!
I show you how to create a classroom sanctuary using what you have, and giving you request letters for the 1 or 2 things you feel you absolutely need. All you have to do is fill in the blanks!
You have a whole set of standards and objectives you MUST follow and meet!
In the complete collection I will help you unpack your specific standards and apply the strategies to create hands-on activities that cover those standards in order to exceed expectations.
You have no time, no support, or don't see the benefits!
I am here to be your teacher bestie. The mentor next door who will help you create time using the tried and true strategies, be your support system, and show you the value through case studies and before and after testimonials.
I know what you’re thinking. Does intentional environment design really work as a form of classroom management? And the answer is 1000% YES!
[Grab the complete collection and get started calming your learning space NOW!]
If you’re still on the fence, just send me an email at tina@teachthetkway.com and let me know what’s holding you back and I’ll let you know if I think you’re a good fit or not since the Natural Classroom Collection™ isn’t right for everyone.
I can’t wait to help you create a calm, peaceful environment, that exceeds standards, reduces stress, and sets you on the path to becoming a classroom management guru!
Earn Graduate-Level Credits with the Natural Classroom Specialist™ Program
Your dedication to creating a calm, natural, and effective classroom can now take you further—professionally and academically! Through our partnership with University of the Pacific, you have the opportunity to earn up to 10 graduate-level credits/units by completing modules in the Natural Classroom Specialist™ Program.
Here’s how it works:
- Complete the program and print your completion certificate (included with your enrollment).
- Sign up for your credits through University of the Pacific.
- Receive your official transcripts—it’s that simple!
Why This Matters:
- Accredited Credits: Go beyond clock hours with graduate-level units from a trusted institution.
- Evergreen Flexibility: Whether you complete the program now or revisit it a year from today (thanks to evergreen access for the lifetime of the course), you can still apply for credits.
- Professional Growth: Use your credits to enhance your resume, meet certification requirements, or take the next step in your teaching journey.
Your commitment to natural, play-based learning doesn’t just transform your classroom—it elevates your career.