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Visit Ms. Tina at Teach The TK Way to find out about nature based classrooms.

Ever wanted to create a more natural classroom setting? Let my CALM THE CHAOS GUIDE help you design a space worthy of the 60+ hours you spend there every week. It’s time to create a sanctuary where you and your students feel at home, at peace, and inspired to learn. Are you a minimalist? An Au Naturel teacher? Maybe you need a more Vibrant space? I actually created a quick 2-minute quiz that will help you decide. You can take that quiz here.

Whatever your ideal classroom, CALM THE CHAOS will help you on the journey to a classroom setting you can be proud of.

Download the WORKBOOK, take the quiz, and start envisioning/designing a calming atmosphere. This FREE guide will get you started on the path of transitioning to a classroom that feels more like a living room.

A place where students come to feel supported and cherished. An environment that helps every child achieve greatness while leaving behind the trauma and issues of home life, even if it’s just for a little while.

The natural classroom environment will help you with behavior management, organization, child-led learning, and is appropriate for any age or specialty group!

Interested in the Natural Classroom Specialist Collection? Click the link to learn more…

Natural Classroom Activity Guide for Primary Teachers

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